Our travel blog

Dublin with all its facets

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." 

- Ibn Battuta

"Dia dhuit" from Ireland!
Welcome to our travel blog around Ireland! We are Alisa, Jenna and Lisa - three girls from Germany - absolutely delighted with travelling and exploring different countries. At the end of the 11th grade we did a study trip together with our whole course to Dublin, Ireland. Here in our blog we would like to show you what is possible to experience and really worth to visit there from our point of view.                We really attached great importance describing our feelings, emotions and impressions at some length even so we tried writing it as exciting as possible for all you thrillseekers out there. Because of our stay mainly in the capital city we want to focus on Dublin, but for one day we had the chance to see more of the countryside of Ireland itself. Hence we give you some worth knowing and interesting advice and tips - especially for those who decide to go to Dublin or other regions in Ireland one day as well.
Let yourselves be inspired! Click here for more impressions...


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