This is us!

Hey, that's me: Alisa! 

I'm a 17 years old girl from Germany and I'm very ambitious, responsible and child-friendly. Currently I'm in the 12th grade and in 2018 I will graduate from school.
I'm really keen on sports, so in my freetime I love doing athletics in the sports club of my hometown.
Additionally I enjoy travelling with my family or friends. 
My absolutely favourite hobby among sport is taking photos while, for example exploring new places and cities, being outdoors or having a celebration. 


Hi, my Name is Lisa...

I am a 17 years old girl who lives in Germany. Currently I attend the 12th grade of a high school.

I really relish reading, listening to music, and horse-riding. I would discribe myself as a team player, open-minded, kind but also calm.

For me the fascinating thing about travelling is to meet new people and to learn more about their culture. The trip to Dublin contained my first flight by plane which turned the journey into something very special I will always keep in my mind.


                                                                                       Hello, my name is Jenna...

 I'm in the same grade as the other ones and 18 years old. In my freetime I enjoy being outdoors, playing the piano and listening to music. If I schould describe myself, I would say that I'm a joyful, thoughtful but also a bit introverted person. Moreover, travelling is an activity which makes me modest, richer of experiences ,broadens my mind and sometimes forces me to step out of my comfort zone. Therefore, exploring new places- like Dublin- turns me into a  happy person.